What’s the right pump for me?

I’m a big fan of nursing,  and, a working mom, who happens to like gadgets and new technologies.  So when I had my first baby, I did my research, and based on the not so research based theory – “the more expensive model the better, the newer the model the better”, I bought the Medela Pump in Style Advanced. Does it serve my purpose – I went back to full time work when the baby was 12 weeks old, and nursed him until he was 10 months – absolutely. Do I like the pump? Not really. I actually packed an Avent Manual Breast Pump with the Medala, and surprisingly, the manual pump was as productive as the electronic one, and it went right into the Avent bottles that I used. When I traveled on business, I only packed the Avent pump, which was not only much lighter, more descrete, but also not constrained by the location of the power outlet.

Long Island Port Washington/Oyster Bay line Emergency going home plan (from Manhattan)

It is already the second time LIRR failed since we moved to long island.
Here are the back up plans going home:
1) Subway alternative… Take #7 train to flushing. Then take Q12 (final stop Little Neck) N20/N21 (some ends at Great Neck, but some goes to Manhassett, Roslyn, Glen Cove, Greenvale, Old Westbury Hicksville).
2) If LIRR partially functioning… Port Washington line and Oyster Bay line can be backup of eachother, N20/N21 connections Great Neck of Port Washington line with Roslyn, Old Westbury etc of Oyster Bay line.
If LIRR Montauk line is functioning, take Montauk line to Lynbrook, then N25 to Great Neck, then other buses from Great Neck, if needed.
3) Express bus… Take QM3 from middle town to Little Neck.
34 St & 3 Av
34 St & Park Av
34 St & Madison Av
35 St & 6 Av
6 Av & 41 St
6 Av & 44 St
6 Av & 48 St
6 Av & 55 St
57 St & Madison Av
57 St & 3 Av
There are only three afternoon shuttles. click for schedule :
4) China town van… Go to Chinatown, enjoy a dinner and take a van Chinatown-Flushing. ticket is $3. Then take Q12 or N20/21.

#7 train is the best backup. Other alternatives are more vulnerable to traffic chaos after the storm.
If LIRR is not functioning, show your LIRR monthly pass and you should be get free ride on #7 train, M12, N20/21 and QM3 bus. (tried everything except QM3)

5) Just stay… Find a place to have a drink, stay with a friend in Manhattan, enjoy your night.

Books by Leo Lionni

Here’s another author that I like, and he had written multiple Caldecott winners.  To name a few of my favorite: “A Color of My Own” teaches the young (and old) about the inner peace; “Swimmy” tells a smart tale about the insignificance of size; “Alex and the wind-up Mouse” lets us realize the importance of being ourselves;  “It is Mine” is a suttle tale about sharing.  Also, the simple language made a lot of his books excellent choices  for the budding readers.

Leo Lionni at Amazon

As always, Amazon will donate a small portion of the sales through links on our website to The Little Fir Foundation.  Thank you for your support.


以前, Darby 读书,尽管读的是chapter book, 也要盯着插图看半天。总觉得她看书太babyish了。  这几天, 与Darby 一起读书,发现她对插图观察得还真细致, 能与内容联系起来看。 先是读中文书”仙女蜜儿” , 插图是一个长发女孩子在荡秋千。 没读那章的内容时,她问为什么画了个长发女孩,孟小乔是短发的。 我打发她的问题道:大概画错了。 后来读到:“孟小乔记得图片中的长发女孩在荡秋千的时侯, 头发是高高飘起的。”, 她恍然大悟:“噢,这是孟小乔的imagination.”

今天读一本英语书”The Secrets of Droon”, 封面上好多怪物。 当她读到“Khan, the purple, pillow-shaped king of the Lumpies”,  她高兴地翻到封面, 指给我看, 原来这是个“king of the Lumpies”。 后来又读到“Two fierce, red-faced warriors”, 她又figure out 出俩个怪物。

Girl’s Figure Skate Blades

I have met many parents in the ice rink who look for the first figure skating blades for their daughters.
Here my two cents to share:
Skating boots need to be comfortable, and at the same time provide enough support to the ankle. For non-skater, you can start with a cheaper and softer version. For more advanced level, you probably need the boots to be harder and supportive. There are different made of blades themselves also. Some blades are harder and last longer. However, as the child outgrow skating blades very fast, it is probably not the biggest consideration unless, the child is a really good skater.
Riedell and Jackson are two popular brand names that fits a beginners need a budget.
Riedell 10: My daughter’s 7 year old friend has it. She is a really good skater and I feel she should get a better version than this. However, she seems to be performing really well still in this verion:

Jackson Softec: This is a more comfortable verion fo Jackson:

Jackson Mystique: My daughter is learning spinning and jumping. This more expensive version is made with harder leather and provide more support for her.

American Athletic: This is a cheap brand name I can find. I have never tried it. But it should fit the beginner’s need with low budget.

There are what is called “convertible” skate blades that can adjust for feet size. Those one never fit the children’s feet very well so I don’t suggest anyone to buy it.

My Bike and Bike Trailer

My Bike:
I bought from Sports Authority for $299 and really liked it! It is very comfortable but also have gears for 7-speed to adjust to the small hills in my community.
When I bought it I couldn’t find a cheaper version on Amazon. Now it is so much cheaper and there is no shipping fee!

My Bicycle Trailer:
Actually I bought the bike because I want to bike together with my kids in the trailer with me. After I got my bike and trailer, several people asked me where I got the trailer. It can be a trailer, stroller or a jogger. Here you are:

I also bought the light to make sure me and my kids are safe at dask:
I bought from Amazon for $29.99 with free shipping. Now it is $22.25 without free shipping.

Are you preparing for your children’s college?

每家的情况都不同,我把自己Research过的option跟大家share一下。 一下提到的几个option, 钱至少在plan里面的时候都可以grow tax free, 比直接投资更有优势。

Home Equity:最初的时候,我计划用home equity来付孩子的学费。等孩子上大学时,贷home equity line of credit, 或者cash out refinance. 但是经过3年的housing downturn, 这个option 至少对现在正面临孩子上大学的家庭,不再象三年以前一样practical. 但是再过10年,没准又可行了。
优点:primary house capital gain(除非数目太大) 不用交capital gain tax. Primary residence mortgage interest 是 income tax deductible的。 更好的消息是,即使在Alternative Minimu Tax的算法里面,mortgage interest 也是deductible的。property tax 也是tax deductible的,但是可能会hit AMT.
缺点:想cash out的时候利率没法控制。

tax deferred traditional IRA: 如果是为自己,配偶,或孩子付大学费用,可以在59.5岁之前取出,不用交10% penalty. 但是要为全额交当年的income tax. Treatment跟59.5以后取出一样。唯一缺点可能当年marginal tax rate增高,尤其如果有两个孩子同一年tap into 你的IRA付学费的话。

Roth IRA:Pincipal 可以随时取出, 不用交income tax. Earnings 需要交income tax. 而且在59.5岁之前不是qualified withdrawal 要交10% penalty. 大学费用是qualified withdrawal.
如果marginal tax rate是concern的话,取出principal部分付大学费用是一个好的option. Earning还是尽量等到退休以后吧,那时就不用交income tax了。

401 K:大多数employer都允许员工从401K借贷,用于first time home purchase或者自己,配偶,或孩子的大学费用。 只要按时还就行了。 缺点是如果你要换工作的话,马上要全部还清。You new job better pay you well!

529 plan: After tax money 存进去,Grow like Roth IRA. 如果钱用于上大学,distribution tax free. 如果不是,要交10% penalty, earnings 还要付income tax. 每年可以换一次beneficiary. 所以还是有一些flexibility的。缺点是如果帐号在父母孩子名下会影响申请financial aid. 可以以其他亲戚名义开帐号就没问题。很多州都有state tax deduction for 529 plan. 纽约州的residence 有$5000 for single, $10000 for married couple. 考虑到纽约州税率很高,尤其是,我们中绝大多数人都hit AMT, 州税不能fully deduct federal tax, 建议纽约州尤其在纽约时工作的一定要开, 但是开到 state tax deductible 的数额就可以了。

Coverdell Education Savings Accounts 很象529plan,在2010年以前有更好的term,但是congress至今没有extend. 如果不extend, 每年每个孩子只能contribute $500, 家庭年收入在$190,000左右phase out. Contributor不可以付penalty and take back. 只能用于post secondary education. 孩子30岁之前必须全部distribute给孩子。

custodian account:可以给孩子开一个custodian account. 孩子每年可有$950 investment income tax free. Another $950 只交 $95. 小小的省一点税。 转给孩子的钱不能直接拿回来给你自己, 但是可以用在孩子身上 (给他买东西,交summer camp, 什么都行)。 可以通过这个过程教他一点理财的知识。 至少我6岁的女儿,终于知道4个Quarter就是1块钱了! 缺点是,到了21岁或18岁(depends on which state you live in),这个帐号里的钱就是孩子说了算了。你要是怕他花在你不想花的地方,就赶紧在他take over之前帮他花了!

在孩子的529 plan 和 custodian account 加的钱,算是给孩子的Gift, 每年往里加钱per donor, per recipient不能超过$13000. 不然就要交gift tax. 但是在申请financial aid的时候,529 plan的asset按家长的asset计算,cusodian account 按孩子的asset 计算。所以如果想申请financial aid,custodian account的钱在申请financial aid钱要尽量花光。家长的primary home, retirement accounts, 都不会影响申请financial aid. 但是78%的financial aid是贷款,大家到时候再决定吧!